The Dutch PV Portal

The Dutch PV Portal has been created to provide publically accessible information on solar energy in the Netherlands, based on scientific research performed by the Photovoltaic Materials and Devices (PVMD) group at Delft University of Technology. The website combines the modelling expertise of the PVMD group with real-time and historical weather measurements of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) to create a realistic assessment of the potential for solar energy generation in the Netherlands.

With the Dutch PV Portal, the PVMD group hopes to increase the public understanding of solar energy and contribute to the application of photovoltaics as an energy source.

Real-time weather data

This interactive map shows the real-time weather data in the Netherlands. Mouseover to view the data, click on a province to get the data in detail.

Rooftop scan

Are you considering to install solar panels on your roof? Quickly find out whether your roof is suitable and discover how much you could save on your electricity bill!

PV System Design

Design a PV system for your location and discover the benefit of this system based on the real-time weather and climate data of the KNMI (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute).

Meteorological data portal

This interactive graph shows the temperature measurements near Rotterdam. Mouseover to get more information. Click here to have a look at more weather and climate measurements at any location. This data can also be downloaded.

Dutch Solar Energy Production

Mouseover and have a look at today's Dutch solar power production in this interactive graph. Do you want to get an idea of how solar power in the Netherlands is growing? Click here to view the Dutch daily and annual solar energy production in detail.